Application Fees


Initial License Fee

Non-refundable fee of $67.00 for individuals who have been Ohio residents for more than five years, if less than five years the fee is $77.00.

  • If you are an active or reserve member of the armed forces or have retired from or was honorably discharged from military service in the active or reserve armed forces of the United States the fee is waived.


License Renewal Fee

Non-refundable fee of $50.00 for individuals who have been Ohio residents for more than five years, if less than five years the fee is $60.00.

  • If you are an active or reserve member of the armed forces or have retired from or was honorably discharged from military service in the active or reserve armed forces of the United States the fee is waived.


Replacement License Fee

Non-refundable fee of $15.00.


Temporary Emergency License Fee

Non-refundable fee of $37.00 for individuals who have been Ohio residents for more than five years, if less than five years the fee is $61.00.


One Passport Size Photo

Non-refundable fee of $5.00.


Please bring exact change.
Payment must be in the form of cash or money orders.
No personal checks will be accepted.


Static Cling and Metal Signs


Static cling and metal signs prohibiting the presence of firearms at residences and/or businesses are now available through the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office, 1776 State Route 521, Delaware, Ohio 43015.

Individuals/businesses who wish to post a sign should contact the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office at (740) 833-2801.