Have a Tip?

If you are contacting us about an IN-PROGRESS crime or suspicious activity, call 9-1-1.

NOTE: The following tip lines/e-mails are monitored regularly but NOT 24/7.


DRUGS: Share anonymous tips at (740) 833-2790 or




CRIME: (740) 833-2830 or dcsodetectives@co.delaware.oh.us




Drug Task Force

DRUG TASK FORCE (L.E.A.P. – Law Enforcement Against Pushers) The success of the Drug Task Force depends on the assistance of the general public. We offer an anonymous Drug Tip Hotline e-mail address (see top of page), where anyone can anonymously leave a message for a detective – but if it is urgent, or a crime is in progress, please call 9-1-1.

No tip is too small. Please be as specific as possible when leaving information. It is helpful if you can include: the address of the offense, time of day you notice the suspicious activity, and a description of any suspects and/or their vehicles involved.

Our main goal is to reduce the availability of drugs across Delaware County and make our community safer for everyone. We are committed to enhancing the combined efforts of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in actively pursuing and prosecuting individuals and/or groups, who manufacture, distribute, or sell illegal drugs.


Detective Bureau

The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office employs one sergeant, eight highly skilled detectives, and one criminal analyst, who investigate criminal matters within the County. These detectives are tasked with investigating crimes such as felony thefts, burglaries, sexual assaults, suspicious deaths, homicides, and many others.

The Detective Bureau works closely with numerous local, state and federal agencies to fully investigate all felonies. Detectives also depend on the support and assistance of the citizens of Delaware County, as well as those who visit the community, to assist with providing information about crimes and suspicious behavior they observe. With everyone’s commitment to vigilance and cooperation, crime within Delaware County can be deterred, and when it does occur, our detectives work tirelessly to obtain justice for victims.