We will open the application process for the Class of 2025 in mid-June.
The Citizens Sheriff Academy (CSA) of Delaware County, Ohio, is designed to strengthen community relationships through education, shadowing, and hands-on learning. Upon graduation, participants can choose to serve as volunteers with the Sheriff’s Office, ranging from participation at community events (such as the Delaware County Fair), sitting on the DCSO promotional process, and providing feedback and input as to DCSO policies and practices.
The 11-week-long program is offered annually in the fall and is open to Delaware County residents. Applicants must pass a local background check. All sessions are taught by law enforcement professionals. The weekly sessions are held on Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Locations vary, and they include: the Sheriff’s Office headquarters, the jail, dispatch center, Patrol south sub-station, and more. Upon acceptance into the program, you will receive the class syllabus, which includes all session topics, locations, dates, etc.
Participants must attend at least 7 sessions in order to graduate.