The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office is as old as the county … having formed in 1808 with Solomon D. Smith elected as the County’s first Sheriff. It only took a total of 32 votes when he won the election! Some 42 Sheriffs later and with a population topping 220,000, Delaware County’s rapid growth remains one of the biggest challenges – and opportunities.

Though rich in history and tradition, the Sheriff’s Office today also prides itself on its ability to protect and serve the community in the most advanced and progressive manner possible. Technology has enabled law enforcement agencies nationwide to respond faster and communicate better. Community engagement programs help ensure we stay connected with our residents’ needs and expectations.

Located 25 miles north of the State’s capitol of Columbus, Delaware County encompasses 459 square miles, of which 1,300 miles are roadways and 14 are water.  Learn more about the County’s composition and growth at